Ways to give

Thank you for choosing to support the work of New Wine Ireland.

  • To give a one off donation towards the work of New Wine Ireland please click the links below.

    Donate in Sterling Here

    Donate in Euro Here

  • If you use internet banking simply go online and set up the standing order yourself using the account details below.

    Sterling Bank Details

    Account Number: 70333832

    Sort Code: 95-06-79

    Euro Bank Details

    Account Number: 70333824

    Sort Code: 95-06-79

    or you can download this form and return it to us and we can contact your bank on your behalf.

  • If you would like to give a special donation you can give by cheque in the post to the office. Please make it payable to ‘New Wine Ireland’.

    103 – 113 Ravenhill Road
    First Floor
    Belfast, BT6 8DR

  • No matter which way you chose to give please make sure you complete the Gift Aid declaration. This allows us to claim an additional 25% on what you give if you are a UK taxpayer.